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电话: 022 24221670
姓名: 郭丹

  Tianjin WeiMing Industrial & Trading Co.,Ltd.(WMITC) established in year 2001, specializes in various kinds of steel pipes and steel concerned building materials. With an experienced, dynamic and high efficient team, our products are well-received worldwide. Company locates in Tianjin which is the center of steel industry and the largest seaport in North China. The location gives us a facility in sufficient raw material as well as convenient transportation. Our products a

主要产品/业务: 生产并销售碳钢无缝钢管,焊接钢管,圆管,方矩 管,镀锌卷,彩涂卷,活动房,野外营地建设与设 计,并可加工镀锌,切割,喷涂等

天津蔚铭工贸有限公司 / 天津 / 河东区十一经路天星河畔广场2409 (300171) / 电话:022 24221670


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